"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."

"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."
-Henry Miller, American Author


Please find below links regularly used by AIFS staff and students.  Please let us know if you would like a link added to this page.

Practical Florence

Il Meteo - The current weather in Florence.
Comune di Firenze - The local authority in Florence.
US Consulate - Florence

Medical Services

Dr Stephen Kerr - English Doctor in Florence.
Medical Service - English speaking Medical Services (24hrs).


Trenitalia - Italian Trains (State run).

Italo - Italian Trains (Privately run, limited routes).
Florence Airport - The local airport.
ATAF - Florence local bus services.
055 4390 - A Florentine Taxi Company.


Firenze Turismo - Offical Florence Tourist Information.
Tuscan Trails - Wine Tours.
Bus 2 Alps - Student Travel Company.
Florence for Fun - Student focused events in Florence.

To read
The Florentine - English language newspaper.
The Florence Newspaper - English language newspaper.
The Tuscan Magazine - English language magazine about Tuscany.
Lonely Planet - Travel website.
Let's Go - Student written travel guides.
Time Out - Florence guide book.

Fiorentina - The local Serie A soccer team.
La Gazzetta dello Sport - Italian Sports Newspaper.

US State Department - US Government information about Italy.
British Institute - English cultural center in Florence.